07/16/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Like never before in America, the government is censoring millions of voices that counter all the corruption, from proxy wars to dirty vaccines, from adulterated food to communist education. Is Natural News censored? According to search results, Natural Health News was delisted from Google search results for somehow violating Google’s “webmaster guidelines” regarding “mobile redirection” as confirmed by Google’s Search Engine Land and their official blog.
This is simply a ploy to censor Americans who expose the truth about dirty vaccines, toxic prescription drugs, adulterated food and political schemes. Google blames “technical requirements” and “scams,” but Natural News certainly meets any tech requirements of functionality and never scams anyone; in fact, Natural News’ Editor, the Health Ranger Mike Adams, blows the whistle on scammers and helps test products for legitimacy and contaminants. So, Google, you were saying?
Yes, in America, free speech is illegal, if you are countering the false narratives of Big Pharma and the Biden Regime. It’s just like Communist China, where if you challenge the government’s lies, you go straight to jail. Do not pass go, and do not collect your $200. That is exactly how and why Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino got booted from Fox News. They were too good at exposing the Left’s lies and questioning the narratives about election fraud (namely Dominion voting machines), Fauci Flu, proxy wars and the purposeful dismantling of the U.S. infrastructure and supply chain.
Alex Jones, founder of InfoWars, challenged the official narrative of the Sandy Hook school massacre, and he has been completely censored, bankrupted and will most likely be put in prison sooner than later. The name “InfoWars” is enough for the Left to sink him alone. How dare an American fight for their right to challenge any information handed down by their crooked government? The War on Information is real, and it has more casualties than all wars of history put together. Never mind that every mass shooting that happens on American soil immediately turns into a massive (attempted) gun grab by the feds, even though it’s not the guns shooting people, it’s always young, disturbed men on SSRIs.
Rudy Giuliani, American politician and attorney, has been disbarred for calling out the rigged election of 2020, but every single Democrat in America said the 2016 election was rigged, and they said it every day for 4 years straight. Now Giuliani owes $100 million dollars for exercising his free speech rights in the country that was founded on that right, per the constitution itself. Any liberal you know still denying the crackhead Hunter’s laptop isn’t real? Where are all the apologies and retractions for that? Simply mention any facts that disprove the “climate change” scam and you get banned from every media platform.
Donald J. Trump is constantly censored by the Fake News Industrial Complex. In fact, Big Media, Big Tech and Big Pharma ARE the fake news and disinformation kings, but they call Trump the leader of misinformation and claim he’s the one trying to destroy democracy. How dare Trump say that natural immunity is best for fighting and beating the Wuhan virus? He must be shut down for that kind of talk, right? It’s dangerous for people to consider thinking for themselves.
Now Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon are going to prison for opposing the communist narrative of the insane Democrats in DC. The CFO of Epoch Times has been indicted for use of free speech against the communists. James O’Keefe got ousted from his own Project Veritas for videotaping crooks and criminals, ranging from Planned Parenthood, to elite Leftist politicians talking smack at bars and restaurants about their own false narratives.
The list goes on. Elon Musk is getting investigated by the Feds for allowing Americans to speak freely on X, formerly the Leftist’s favorite fake news social media platform. Nearly every alternate elector in Blue states has been indicted for no good reason. Parler was booted from their cloud server. OAN was banned and censored from every major satellite network on Earth. Surprise, surprise.
Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news about abortions, suicide and mental health horror stories that are being censored from mass media while you read this.
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Tagged Under:
Alex Jones, biased, big government, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Censorship, conservative voices, Constitution, dirty vaccines, fake news, First Amendment, free speech, health news, Liberty, Mike Adams, natural health, Natural.news, real news, smeared, speech police, suppressed, thought police
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