News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Independent journalists to be forcibly micro-chipped by government after being labeled with a “mental disorder” for not believing propaganda
It seems too far-fetched to be true, especially in the “land of the free” where the Constitution supposedly recognizes and enshrines certain “inalienable” human rights like individual choice and privacy, but it’s true nonetheless: In the United States, we have all come one step closer to being microchipped by mandate. As reported by True Activist, […]
By JD Heyes
Amazon Echo devices spy on you in your own home… police are now trying to acquire those recordings
Well, it sure didn’t take long for the authorities to find yet another way to use technology—specifically “the Internet of things”—to violate our constitutional right to privacy. As reported by EnGadget, police in Arkansas want to know if one of Amazon’s Echo devices, which are constantly connected to the Internet and listening for the sound […]
By JD Heyes
Google gives driverless cars the green light for business, but are we really ready for AI piloted vehicles on our roads?
It all sounds so futuristic and exciting, this concept of driverless cars, but the reality is, our society may not be nearly as ready for it as other people in other lands may be. That’s because if there is one thing Americans are infatuated with, it is the automobile. And yet, the technology is here […]
By JD Heyes
REAL forensic investigation determines Barack Obama’s birth certificate really was a Photoshop fake
President-elect Donald J. Trump was accused of being the primary source of the so-called “birther movement”—the questioning of whether or not President Obama was actually born in the United States and, thus, eligible to be president—when in fact the originator of the movement was Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign. In any event, the powers that be […]
By JD Heyes
FBI can’t agree with politicized CIA’s faulty intelligence
It’s becoming a game of “he said, they said,” between the FBI and the CIA over what President-elect Donald J. Trump has called a highly-politicized (and bogus) claim that Russia interfered in the presidential election to sway the results in his favor. In recent days, the echo chamber “mainstream media” has been pushing the narrative […]
By JD Heyes
Japan tags senior citizens with scan-able barcodes to tackle their problem of elderly people ‘gone missing’
It likely seems Orwellian to most Americans, but apparently some Japanese are okay with it: One city in the Asian nation has launched a unique program to help keep track of senior citizens who have a tendency to become lost…tagging their fingers and toes with scan-able barcodes. As reported by Agence France Presse, a firm […]
By JD Heyes
Consumer watchdogs say popular toys are secretly spying on your children
The Information and Technology Age is exciting for all the helpful changes it has delivered to consumers to make our lives much easier. But with it has come something terrible: The loss of privacy and the ability for Big Brother to keep an eye on all of us 24/7/365—and often in sinister ways. Consumer watchdog […]
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